Has the government thrown the baby out
with the bathwater? Every day we see qualified borrowers who don't quite fit
the new box that the government regulated onto lenders (QM), despite the
borrower having a low LTVs and other compensating factors. Yet we, as lenders,
can't do those loans, or the interest rates are too onerous. Yet the government
continues to beat its drum about home ownership, and have somehow shifted the
blame onto the lenders that home ownership has dropped.
We've reached a level of insanity - it appears that the government is sending out two different messages.
the one hand, regulators and prosecutors are going after lenders for
serious crimes (well deserved) committed in lending and for breaking
obscure lending regulatory rules (questionable when compared to the
financial bites the government takes out of the lender for this action
that could be corrected with censorship and more stringent monitoring).
the other hand, the government has rolled out policy makers blaming
lenders for not lending to people. For "tightening credit". Just
recently, Ben Bernarke announced he himself was declined for a mortgage.
Has lending gotten tighter? Yes, absolutely. There's two basic reasons why:
If you were riding your bike on the left side of the road and instead
of a ticket you found yourself fined 10,000 dollars, what would your
reaction be? Probably to ride your bike either way off on the right
hand side, perhaps on the sidewalk and off the street, maybe to not ride
your bike that much at all anymore.
what has happened with lenders. No one can argue that some lenders,
just as some borrowers, were thieves and deserved everything thrown at
them and more. Those people ruined it for consumers and for those of us
who love the mortgage industry.
as a result of all of that, lenders have pulled back. Some estimates
show Wells Fargo, for example, doing 82% less FHA loans in 2014 YTD than
the same period YTD in 2013. A shocking reduction in loan volume.
let's not forget that the CEO of JP Morgan publicly stated that they
may re-think doing FHA loans at Chase, period. He questioned if the
risk exceeded the value to the bank.
are normal, sane responses, to what is now appearing to be a government
led initiative to take as much cash as they can from banks and publicly
go after them with bold print in newspapers and headline news at prime
time. Not good for business.
Let's go back to Ben Bernarke's experience in getting declined. One
wonders if he's out there beating the drums to loosen credit citing a
silly reason - that even Ben got declined. Well, first off, Mr.
Bernarke most likely was declined because he recently changed
professions. In the lending world, even before the meltdown, lenders
want to see stable income. If the source of your income has changed,
even if your current income is in the 7 figures, it is not stable. It
could end tomorrow. And, that does not support you paying a 10, 15, 20,
or 30 year mortgage. So, you need at least 2-years worth of stable
income from a current profession (you can change jobs, but you need to
be in the same profession). Mr. Bernarke went from employed status to a
different field. He fell out of the basic lending requirement.
That's not insane lending. That's sane lending.
on the one hand we have the government (including policy makers at HUD)
stating that they don't understand why lending is tighter and others
saying that lenders went too far in being conservative.
the other hand, we have lenders that were taken into the back alley and
beaten to a bloody mess for lending (again, some deserved it. Others
did not). And, they have learned their lesson.
on the third hand, you have the CFPB issuing out new rules and
requirements and teaming up with other federal regulators with laws and
enforcement actions that actually re-enforce the beating up of the
lenders that we've witnessed recently.
time that the policy makers and the regulators sat in the room together
and talked about what they want. Do they want stricter rules to reduce
the chance that we have the economic meltdown or do they want lenders
to loosen up a bit and lend more without being afraid of being faced
with legal issues or delinquent borrowers?
There is a way to do this. But not by sending mixed messages.
way may be for the government to admit that in 1994 they started this
mess by setting up policies for lenders to lend more money to more
people to encourage more home ownership. That started the cycle to
irrational lending and irrational housing increases that bubbled and
burst and allowed criminals to come in and destroy consumers and bankers
who were honest, ethical and doing their jobs as best they could.
next step would be for there to be a balanced approach. Yes, lending
is too tight. Yes, there are consumers who truly deserve mortgages who
would be excellent borrowers that today are going to be declined. But,
until the regulators get on board with the policy makers, they will not
get their homes.